In 2014, James Cameron completed the first ever solo dive to the Challenger Deep (the deepest part of the ocean in the Marianas Trench), which inspired my journey into technology and innovation for ocean and climate impact. 8 years later in celebrating World Oceans Day 2022, I'm excited to characterize Seaworthy's moonshot goals, appropriately derived from that inspiration by titling our audacious goals as "Deep Dives".
Seaworthy's Deep Dives are 3 overarching audacious goals driving measurable triple bottom line outcomes and systemic change impacts by the end of 2030
Our Deep Dives not only look ahead to what we will accomplish, but also provide the first barometer of what we've accomplished to date across 2 venture studio cohorts and 36 events, as well as how we will accomplish our goals as we scale globally starting in 2023. Let's dive in.

Deep Dive #1
Every person that is passionate about ocean and climate impact is worthy of the opportunity to join the community and contribute to solutions

Deep Dive #2
Every early stage idea and solution that builds the value chain is worthy of accessing support, resources, and capital

Deep Dive #3
Every city and region at risk from climate change and sea level rise is worthy of a BlueTech and ClimateTech ecosystem

Altogether, these Deep Dives show how we've already begun to move the needle on the outcomes and impacts that we've been able to create with our scalable model in South Florida. From here, we anticipate starting to scale next year so that by World Ocean Day 2023, we can celebrate in multiple cities and connect our global community!
We also have some exciting news on the horizon that we can't share yet, but keep an eye out later this month as we have another incredible milestone on our journey we can't wait to share with the world!
To conclude, I wanted to acknowledge the amazing Seaworthy team that has been the unstoppable force helping us to accomplish everything to this point and will no doubt lead us to hitting our audacious goals ahead. In less than 2 years, we have empowered so many current and aspiring sea change making people and solutions, and made Miami and South Florida a sea change making city and region. We can't wait to dive into what's next as we wrap up our second cohort with our biggest event of the year; our startup showcase next month (keep an eye out for the announcement coming next week).
If you're interested in being part of supporting our journey driving these outcomes and impacts, learn more about supporting our foundation here.
Happy World Oceans Day from Seaworthy Collective and our community of Sea Change Makers!